Happy Wednesday friends!
I am sitting at the kitchen table drinking some coffee & eating a breakfast sandwich. Julian starts kindergarten and my emotions all over the place.
I don't know where the post will go, but I have things to say and my guts to spill so here we go...
So last night I was laying in bed with my boy and wow, I just can't believe he is off to kindergarten, I mean really, where did the time go? I still remember the first time I laid eyes on that sweet face, that's a different kind of love. The first time he said "mama", his first steps, his first cuss word (haha). As a mom, I think I can speak for all of us, why can't we just keep them in a bubble!! Protect them from all the evil, all the heart breaks, everything.
Another thought that went thru my mind was, isn't so, idk crazy? ironic?, fascinating? that when we were younger our parents really did do their absolute best to give us a better life than they had. They struggled but always found a way, and we're doing the exact same thing. Like when you had kids you probably told yourself "oh I'm never going to let my kids go through that", but each generation is going to have their fair share of struggles & tragedies.
I shared this on my personal FB page, but we were so grateful to be able to buy all of Julian's school supplies. When my husband and I started kindergarten, I think we were sent to school with one pencil and a notebook, because that's all our parents could afford.
I don't ever hold a grudge but there were times I wished my parents were involved in my school more, but for obvious reasons they couldn't. Again, I am feel so dang grateful that I can do that for Julian. That there is no language barrier, that I can be at his school programs, games, all those things.
Although, I want to cry and just wish my baby would stay a baby, I feel proud. He really is such a wonderful little boy. His manners (sometimes) are out of this world. He has such a big and kind heart and I know he is going to be great!
Told you I didn't know where this post would go, I mean clearly my emotions all over the place lol
I hope you enjoyed this quick coffee talk, thank you guys for continuing to support my blog! It truly means the world!