Friday, March 29, 2019

Happy Friday friends! 

I hope you all had a wonderful week! This week for us kinda went by as a blur. One of those "what day is it" type of week. But we made it to Friday so cheers to that. 

I'm coming to you today with a very special blog post! I feel like in the last couple of months I haven't gotten as personal as I use to with y'all! There are somethings I do keep to myself but others I like sharing with y'all because it's a part of life, and you really don't know who you could be inspiring or helping. If you didn't read Monday's blog post you can check it our HERE  but I shared a life update. 

Okay so technically I've been a LEO wife for a little over a year, it feels like forever though! I mean, I honestly thought this would be a little easier than military life BUT they're pretty dang close! I kinda went in to it thinking "okay y'all went through the military sure enough this is easier right"? Not the mind set you want to go in with! lol  

My husband loves his job, I'm sure I've said this a gazillion times but my husband has a heart of gold and just genuinely loves to help people. He can literally make a friend in 0.2 seconds! (not kidding) and ALWAYS sees the good in people (wish I was more like him)! So this career is right up his alley! 

To answer the most common question and most important.."do you ever stop worrying" the answer is a big NO! I worry the second he walks out the door and my heart is finally at ease when I hear that velcro (if you know, you know) BUT it does get easier, you keep yourself busy and although "worry" is still in the back of your mind you just go on about your day. Take in mind I've only been in this for a little over a year, but I would assume that when your SO is always putting his life on the line that, worry, never fades. 

I mean if you take a second to think about it, a LEO pulls a car over, for lets say speeding, they check their plates, all seems fine and dandy, they go up to the car, they literally don't know what they're walking up to. Yeah they checked the plates but you never know who's driving the car, what their intentions are. They could be anti-police and God knows what they'll do. I mean it takes a BRAVE human being to do what they do. 

Okay so I also want to share 5 things I've learned well am learning along the way...

  1. Learn to love your alone time! --If you follow me on IG than you saw my stories about how my husband and I do better when we have a little distance. I love my alone time so when he's working 10+ hour shifts, I take that time and do me. I read my favorite book, work on my blog, spend one on one time with Julian, etc. 
  2. Find a hobby-- It wasn't until my husband started this job that I finally decided to restart my blog, I love my blog, it's my hobby! I love sharing all the things with y'all from personal, to mom life, to sharing a cute outfit! So if there's something you always wanted to do, this is your time! 
  3. Make friends-- I know what you're thinking "practice what you preach sister"! But I'm doing better y'all! I've made a couple of friends and I think I'm a little more social than I use to be! And in this field you're going to want to find a friend who lets you vent! Because putting his dinner in the microwave 3 nights in row can get pretty annoying! 
  4. Enjoy his day's off-- also trying to do better with this one! When my husbands off we always try to go out and maybe grab dinner or take Julian somewhere fun. Sometimes of course, there are things that need to be done around the house and we do it, and then relax. My husband likes riding around the ranch fixing things here and there and to me, that's work, but to him well he says it's relaxing lol so let them enjoy their days off. 
  5. Don't bombard them with questions-- okay another one i'm working on! haha but seriously I have the bad habit that as soon as my husband gets home I start asking him about his day, if anything "good" happened,  if he can take the trash out, venting to him, asking him play with Julian so I can start dinner, ALL THE THINGS! Sorry babe! Let him cool down when he gets home, unwind, because again, Lord knows what he had to deal with. Everything else can wait. 

I hope y'all enjoyed this post! I love creating these types of posts! And to all my LEO wives, hang in there! 

Thank you so much for continuing to support my blog! Also to my husband for being such a good sport and taking this photo! 
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Monday, March 25, 2019

Hey friends! Happy Monday! 

For today's post I wanted to just come on here and chat with you guys, give you a little update and mainly just pour my feelings out to y'all! Because girl, a lot has been on my mind. 

This past month has been so, I don't know, crazy? To start things off, we lost a loved one. It's a new emotion for me because I haven't lost someone so close to me, you kinda just feel out of it, like it's not really happening, but once "things" are done, it hits you that, that person isn't coming back, that it's going to be awhile before you see them again. Sometimes you feel guilty because you go about your day like normal, you don't think about the person, until you lay in bed. And then that overwhelming feeling of just wanting to cry and cry hoping that will make that person come back hits you. 

But that's life right? You're only here for a little while and then, well your times up. It put things into perspective for me because life really is so short, you can make life as great or as miserable as you want. It's all up to YOU! You can sit around complaining about everything you don't have or enjoy every little thing around you, even the smallest thing, there's always something to be grateful for. 

With everything that went on, let me say that we have been so off schedule. I'm definitely a routine type of gal, so it's taken a toll on me to kinda be all over the place, and Julian? Bless my poor child! It's taken him some time to get use to pre school again. 

He cried bloody murder when I dropped him off today, and my mama heart just couldn't take it. I left him crying and well you already know, I shed a few tears in the car too! Thankfully his wonderful teacher called me to let me know he had calmed down, and I felt a little better. But does it ever really get better? I mean Julian and I have been so close since the start! (you get it haha) but really! My baby is a mamas boy for sure! 

I'm so glad we put him in pre school though, it's preparing him for kindergarten and also preparing me!  

Also today was my first day working out, it's been about a week! I was getting back into the groove of things and then bam! I hurt my right foot! I pulled a muscle (if that's even a thing) and it's finally starting to feel better! I got a simple workout in but hey a workout is a workout am I right? 

That's it for now, thanks for letting me vent to y'all! Now this mama is about to start on our evening routine and maybe binge watch Charmed, for like the 100th time, oh and by "binge" I mean watch one or two episodes and hit the sheets (no later than 9:30)!  #thisis25 
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Friday, March 22, 2019

Hello friends! Happy Friday!

For today's post I'm going to be sharing my favorite spring lipsticks! They're all Maybelline, and when it comes to lipsticks they are my FAVORITE brand! You can find them pretty much in every drugstore, they carry so many colors and the best part is that they are so moisturizing!  

I love wearing brights for Spring & Summer! So give me all the pinks & oranges! I also linked 2 brownish colors, I feel like they pair well with my skin tone! Come summer, that'll be a different story.  

I hope y'all enjoy this post! and like always thank you so much for continuing to support my blog! 



Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no extra cost to you, I will earn a small commission if you click through and make a purchase. I only share things that I genuinely love and brands that I truly believe in.

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Monday, March 18, 2019

Happy Monday friends!

First thing is first a huge thank you to PINKBLUSH  for sponsoring today's post! 

We started of the morning like usual, woke up got myself ready and then I got Julian ready for school, and made him some pancakes. We drove all the way to school (only 10 min away) and I realized he is on SPRING BREAK y'all! Talk about being the best mom out there! haha Needless to say he's been cranky all day but can ya blame em? 


For today's post I wanted to share with y'all this gorgeous button up  ! It was kindly sent to me by Pink Blush , and y'all I swear it is the most comfortable and light weigh button up I have EVER owned! And I am not exaggerating! 

I decided to style it 3 different ways for y'all! The first look being more of a casual day date, although it is a button up it's so lightweight that it'll be perfect for Spring & Summer! The second look is perfect for a night out! And the final look is the "casual"! My son is almost 4 (where has the time gone) but this top is definitely nursing friendly. And in the future (maybe near future) this top will be great to dress the bump! 

Which is your favorite look? 

Thank you guys so much for stopping by! And if you haven't checked out Pink Blush , make sure you browse their site! They have some great maternity pieces for all you mamas to be and regular womens clothing! 

Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no extra cost to you, I will earn a small commission if you click through and make a purchase. I only share things that I genuinely love and brands that I truly believe in. 

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Thursday, March 14, 2019


Happy Friday friends! 

I hope you all had a wonderful week! I can't believe the weekend is here! This week flew by for sure. 

Okay so let me be extremely real right now...I have not been feeling my best! I have been eating waaay too much! I mean I've been eating when I'm happy, sad, mad, excited, etc! I haven't been working out as much either! So when it comes to my outfits, I've been into wearing tees ALL the time! Or anything flowy! 

This tee that I'm wearing is from the collection Universal Thread from Target! Did I mention it was only $8! I believe it also comes in other colors! Such a good basic piece. This shorts were also a good find! Only $15! These are from the collection Wild Fable, also from Target! These are more of a "mom style" , and do not have a stretch! I do feel that throughout the day they do get a little lose. Also these wedges have been on REPEAT! I linked some other options too. 

Okay so I announced that I am now a part of the RewardStyle, program! This is such a HUGE milestone for me! I wouldn't have gotten this opportunity without y'all! Okay so here's how it works (basically) under my picture you'll see I have listed "outfit details" , if you click on one of those product links & make a purchase I DO receive a small commission for your purchase. My link does not provide a discounted price of the item nor does it increase the price at all. By using my links you guys support me! 

Another way you can shop my looks is by downloading the FREE app! Just download the app, search under "influencer search" and search coffee with rosa , you can then hit the "follow" button and click on any item you wish to purchase! SO EASY! 

Again thank you guys so much for supporting me! I hope y'all enjoyed this super affordable & stylish outfit! 

Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no extra cost to you, I will earn a small commission if you click through and make a purchase. I only share things that I genuinely love and brands that I truly believe in. 


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Monday, March 11, 2019

Happy Monday friends! 

I am now a twenty five year old woman! Honestly I was afraid of turning 25! Instead of seeing it as just twenty five...I keep seeing it as 5 years closer to 30. I don't know why I'm so afraid of getting older, I mean look at J.Lo I think she's 49 and looks so dang good! 

So I'm trying to stay positive because you know what they say "age is just a number"! You can be as old or young as you feel? Or want to be? I'm not sure how the saying goes but you get the point! haha 

In honor of my birthday I wanted to share with y'all 25 Things I've learned by 25! 

  1. Happiness starts with YOU
  2. If your significant other loves you, you shouldn't have to tell them how to treat you 
  3. WAIT...for love, don't settle for less! 
  4. It's just a bad DAY, not a bad LIFE
  5. Speak to your children as if they were the wisest
  6. If you don't ask, the answer WILL always be no
  7. Learn to LOVE alone time
  8. Work on yourself everyday
  9. Miracles do exist
  10. Speak to God, I promise you he's listening 
  11. EVERYTHING happens for a reason 
  12. What we think, we become 
  13. Be the energy you want to attract 
  14. HELP others, unless it puts YOU in an unhealthy place 
  15. ALWAYS tell your loved ones, you love them 
  16. Appreciate your parents...they will always have your back
  17. Spend time with your siblings...
  18. Good friends are hard to find so if you find one keep them close
  19. Confidence is key 
  20. Don't spend too much time on social media 
  21. Life really is precious and short 
  22. Don't wait for the "perfect" occasion to wear the outfit 
  23. Don't rush time 
  24. Hold your children close 
  25. Love life 

Thank you so much for stopping by and for taking the time to ready my blog! It means the world to me! I hope y'all have a wonderful day! 


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