Happy Monday! Welcome back to my blog! I know it's been FOREVER! I made the decision to re-launch my baby, CoffeeWithRosa for a couple of reasons. Reason number one being that I wanted a "fresh start" , I have stopped & restarted about four times since 2012! So I needed it lol Plus I wanted to give it a little face lift, nothing to fancy but I love the simplicity of it. Everything is still the same, I'll be sharing fitness, life, fashion & all that good stuff as usual! I hope y'all love my new blog & thank y'all for the amazing support!
Since I have been absent for a couple of months now, I thought I would share with y'all where I've been! We left to North Carolina in April ,sometime, for a family emergency, we dealt with that & then on May 25 my nephew decided to make an early arrival! He was six weeks early but is doing so good now and is the most perfect little angel! Being a mom is amazing, but being an aunt comes in real close! It felt like we spent majority of our time in hospitals, but I thank the Lord we are over it now. I'm thankful I was able to spend a good two weeks at home with my sister & nephew!
We're back in Texas now and boy is it HOT! Julian already had two nose bleeds and this mama is trying to make sure he stays hydrated! He did so good on that 19 hour trip! He's three years old now and y'all I can't believe it! Where did my baby go! He definitely misses grandpa a ton! They are seriously best friends! It's the sweetest thing ever! But we are so happy to be home and with our favorite guy! I didn't eat so well these past couple of months, I still worked out but I could tell I was having too many "treat" days lol I'm trying to get back on track now, and i'll be sharing with y'all my six month update soon!
I have so many ideas for my blog and I can't wait to share them with y'all! Again thank you for sticking by my side!
Outfit Details:
Heeled Sandals- Justfab.com
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