Happy Thursday friends!
It's been over a month since I've shared a blog post! Life has been busy lately! So I thought I'd keep y'all up to date.
Well first and foremost WE BOUGHT A HOUSE!
It still feels so surreal! And we ARE MOVING well we moved lol We are currently living in Atascosa county!
I didn't want to share much about the move because it wasn't set in stone, and then once it was I felt like if I shared it, it made it more real. After my husbands shooting I just knew Madison county was home. But God had other plans for us.
After a lot of praying and going back and forth, we just felt like God really set us on the path we needed to be on.
Let me tell ya! Buying a house was one of the most stressful things we've ever done! It was rewarding but so stressful!
I am so so in love with our new home! I can't wait to share more home stuff with y'all!
Majority of April and half of May I spent packing up the whole house we rented and cleaning it. I was so exhausted 10/10 do not recommend doing it alone lol Julian still had baseball at the time and I was trying to hard to keep up with my blogging things.
We officially moved in a little over a week ago!
And now, present day, I am in NC ! My dad had surgery on Tuesday, I don't know if I ever mentioned it on my blog but he was diagnosed with stomach cancer in October of last year. After 8 rounds of chemo, surgery was the next step.
Surgery went overall okay, we had a few hiccups but by the grace of God he is recovering well.
With everything that we, as a family, have been through in the last year, I have to say that without God we wouldn't have made it.
We were tested so much but we overcame it all, so far atleast.
So, if you're going through a tough time, a tough season, trust me when I tell you, YOU CAN DO HARD THINGS!
Thank you guys for supporting my blog! & for continuing to stick around!
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