For today's post I wanted to try something a little different. I tried to do a Day In The Life! I'm still kind off shy taking pictures in public, but I promise I will do my best to bring you guys great content! I LOVE watching these types of videos on Youtube, but I'm just not about the Youtube world lol , so I thought I would do it in Blog form!
We've been at home majority of the week, since Julian's tummy was still a little upset, but now that he's feeling better we were out and about!
So here we go! I hope y'all enjoy this post! And please let me know if y'all like this kind off content!
I have been so bad with my morning routine lately! In my defense, we've been transitioning Julian into his own room, and it's like going through the whole newborn stage again! I usually wake up at 6am! And of course y'all know I can't function without coffee & my fave breakfast! Avocado toast!
We had a few errands to run, so I had to actually make an effort and look decent! haha We took out the trash, dropped off a couple of bills, and finally made it to the post office!
I got some happy mail from Knit-Pickin Boutique! This top is so comfy & perfect for Fall! You can check them out HERE and use my discount code "ROSA10" at checkout for 10% off!
We somehow ended up at Target! Crazy right?! Does that happen to anyone else? haha! And we were actually able to roam around for a little while! You know that's a miracle when you have a toddler! Thank God for popcorn! We ended our day going to the park and making a quick stop at daddy's office! Julian ALWAYS gets so excited when we go see him!
I hope y'all enjoyed this post! Thank you so much for stopping & for continuing to support me & my blog! It means the world to me!
Cheers to the weekend!
Loving rereading these 😍