Monday, July 15, 2019

Happy Monday friends! 

And most importantly happy Amazon Prime Day! I've posted a few finds on the liketoknow.it app and you can also find it here on my blog under the "shop my Instagram" tab! 

This mama had the morning to herself and wow! I definitely needed some alone time. I love my kid don't get me wrong but there's just something about having a few hours to yourself. I headed to Target, Starbucks of course, and picked up a couple of things from Ulta. You can say I've had a pretty great day! 

Okay so for today's post I wanted to share with y'all 3 Ways I Get 10 Minutes Of Cardio In! If you follow me here or on IG you know I do about 10 minutes of cardio every day. On Sunday's and occasionally on Thursday's I'll take the day as my "running day". But for the most part I do 10 minutes. Now I know cardio isn't for everyone, well running, so I mix it up because well I also get bored haha. There's 3 ways that I get my cardio in, and like I said I love to mix it up. 

1. RUNNING/LAPS- Okay like I said this one isn't for everyone, but when I'm not full on running, I usually like to just run laps up and down our driveway. Just do it for 1o minutes and you're good to go. It gets my heart going and prepped for my workout. 

2.HIIT WORKOUTS- I LOVE HIIT! There is just something about it that gives me that rush! In those 10 minutes, you will be dripping in sweat! Last week I did sprints, and I about died! But it felt soo good! I'm also linking the HIIT workouts that I have on my blog so you can refer back to them! 



3. DANCING- I get tons of questions when i post "10 min dance sess" and y'all I literally just dance in the comfort of my own home to whatever music I want. Of course for the ten minutes you need to keep your body moving!
But it's so fun and it puts you in a good mood! Try it! Here is my playlist! It's nothing too crazy haha 

Thank you so much for stopping by & for continuing to support my blog! It means the absolute world to me! 

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